Year of the Rat-humane trap

It is said that we are all only thirty feet from a rat. Not inexplicable, then, that the internet is full of rat traps. Many are the humane sort. That is, a trap that catches the rat alive so that it can be released somewhere else. In someone else’s patch, in other words.

Given this regime it’s not surprising I overheard this conversation:

Reggie Rat: Have you been to Cleethorpes?

Billy Rat: Twice, last year. Don’t recommend it. Whole family went. Mislaid three of the kids on the way back the second time.

Reggie Rat: Mislaid?

Billy Rat: Some bloody woman stuck us in a trap and drove us to Nottingham! Didn’t know anyone was missing till we got to Derby!

Tommy Rat: I’ve been to Birmingham three times – including Solihull. Felt like a bloody yo-yo last year – twice round Birmingham, up to Liverpool and then Leeds via Hunstanton. Don’t even ask!

Billy Rat: Know how you feel. What I’d give for a bit of peace and quiet and a nice nibble of chocolate. I’ve got constant jet lag.

Reggie Rat: Bloody humans. Do you know that you’re never more than thirty feet from one? Gives me the shivers.

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